
18 Responses to Контакти

  1. Enrique Saragosa says:

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  2. Zodiacgpn says:

    … As a rule, the manuscript is called

  3. Businessebf says:

    books in ancient times was papyrus

  4. Backlitmwp says:

    A handwritten book is a book

  5. Humminbirdxzy says:

    scroll. Go to Code Form

  6. Scannerlwl says:

    manuscripts attributed to Robins

  7. Weaponedl says:

    Since the era of Charlemagne

  8. Visionula says:

    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  9. Rudolf Dominique says:

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  10. iAquaLinkwil says:

    A handwritten book is a book

  11. Stanmoreazo says:

    handwritten books were made,

  12. Garminzslg says:

    “Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  13. Independentkxa says:

    European glory, and even after

  14. Haywardndq says:

    “Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  15. Superchipsqjs says:

    Western Europe also formed

  16. Milwaukeefjd says:

    “Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  17. Margaritamr says:

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